What To Do When Youre Stressed Out

How do you deal with anxiety and stress? Does life have you tied in knots from time to time? Well luckily, we have a solution. Here are some tips to take when dealing with being Stressed Out.

As stress can come from many different directions, you can often find relief from stress from a number of different sources.

I know firsthand how brutal it can be when you don’t make an effort to manage your stress on an everyday basis. And I also know firsthand that if left unmanaged,it puts you at risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, weight loss or weight gain depending on your physiology, depression and other problems.

Studies have shown that stress can have a negative effect on mental, emotional, and physical health. So try some of the tension-busting tips below when you feel some of this pressure mounting up.

Tips For Relieving Stress:


Plan a girls' or boys' night out with your friends

Read an inspiring book or fun fiction

Soak in a warm bath

Enjoy aromatherapy by placing drops of lavender oil on your pillow

Go for a run

Get a massage

Watch a favorite show

Pet a dog or cat

Spend time in nature, such as a park or beach

Play relaxing music

Take a few deep, long inhalations and exhalations

Make a delicious comfort food or order some for yourself

In addition to these tips, we recommend increasing your endorphin production. One of the quickest ways to defeat the negative side effects with stress is to sweat a lot. You can start small with a quick walk if going to the gym seems like too much for you to handle.

Also be sure to focus on what you’re putting in your body. People often turn to junk food when they’re stressed. Eating a cookie now and then won’t necessarily harm you, but if you do it regularly, there will be consequences. According to Mark Hyman, New York Times bestselling author of Eat Fat, Get Thin, eating whole, real foods restores balance and reduces the effects of stress on your body. Replacing harmful substances such as caffeine, alcohol and refined sugars, with clean proteins, fruits, vegetables and healthy fats helps regulate your hormone levels – including the stress hormones.

While it may sound silly, create a stress jar. Sit down every morning (or before you go to bed) and make a list of things that are bothering you and stressing your day. Write down the things you can control and the things you can’t. Once you make that list, fold the piece of paper and put it into a box or a stress jar. Put that jar in a closet or in a place that won’t constantly attract your attention. “Out of sight, out of mind” is an old saying that can help you in this instant. You’ve written down your worries, so now put them away for the day and forget about them.

These are just some of the many ways to help you relieve stress.
